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When I talk about the swing plane, I like to keep things simple. I break down a few simple checkpoints or keys on where the golf club should be in the backswing and downswing. If these main checkpoints are correct, then the rest of the swing is going to be correct also.
Having a golf swing that is "on plane" is important for consistent golf. Golfers whose swings get off plane become harder to control and errant golf shots can happen. I don't like to spend too much focus on the swing plane but there are a couple of simple ideas that you can use to ensure that you are swinging on plane. These simple tips will help keep your backswing and your downswing on plane.
It's important to remember that a good setup is important for swinging on plane correctly. An improper setup almost automatically will lead to a golf swing that is not on plane.
From a correct setup position, the first move in the backswing is a simple one piece motion of the hands, arms, and shoulders taking the club back. At the point where the club shaft is parallel with the ground, it should also be parallel with your target line. The hands should move straight back in the start of the backswing. If these 2 things have happened then the club head will also be in line with the hands.
From this point, the easiest way to keep the club on plane is to swing it over the right shoulder as you complete your backswing. If you follow my other keys and principles of staying connected and staying in your posture, then the club will automatically end up where it is supposed to at the top of the backswing.
A good position at the top of the backswing will lead to a good downswing that is also on plane. Remember, that the backswing and the downswing should mirror each other as much as possible. Once you've gotten your backswing on plane, then make your downswing and simply try to match that same path.
Most golf instruction that is focused on the swing plane is all about the backswing. But, make sure to keep your club on a good plane and path after impact and all the way into your followthrough. A good follow through will actually help your backswing so it's good to make sure this is correct also.
After impact, try to feel like you are swinging your club head towards your target and then over your left shoulder to complete your swing.
Swinging on plane is really important for hitting the ball straight and staying balanced in your golf swing.